Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In the story of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", there is an african character called Jim. From what I've read about him, he isn't very bright, plus he is superstitious.

Scene#1: Jim is a man who is portrayed as a superstitious person as in the book. He acts as if he is able to talk with spirits of either the afterlife, either good or evil.

Scene#2: Jim looks more clever and caring in this one. He was like a slave, who is owned by another person and is obliged to follow orders or else pain or death could be consequences. Jim wants to escape to a free-state to begin a new better life.

Both scenes portrayed Jim very differently. They both had totally different personalities and duties.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Satire in Shrek 2.

1.) Exaggeration: To show something to be larger, smaller, better, or worser than what it actually is. Ex: When donkey keeps saying "No one said I have the right to speak!" (I think)

2.) Incongruity: Not in harmony. Ex: Fairy godmother's scene when she gives Fiona a bunch of many different gifts.

3.) Reversal: The change to an opposite direction of an action. Ex: When Fiona denies her fairy godmother's luxurious gifts.

4.)An imitation of someone or something with humor into it and comic effect. Ex: When the sleeping beauty was in deep sleep and just fell to the floor.