Friday, March 25, 2011

Free-Thinkers are a Government's Worst Enemy.

The first book to come to my mind that involves the right to think freely was The Night Thoreau spent in Jail. I believe this book is a right example because it talks about both transcendentalism and civil disobedience which makes Thoreau a free thinker you know how he was against what the society was turning into and believed the world shouldn't change into something that wasn't like the beginning of time. The book I'm reading now called "Inherit the Wind" also involves free-thinkers about a character who wants to believe that people should believe everything about the Bible is literally true.

Friday, March 11, 2011

William Carlos Williams- The Imagists.

This is Just to Say
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox  and which you were probably saving for breakfast  Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold

The Red Wheelbarrow
so much depends upon  a red wheel barrow  glazed with rain water  beside the white chickens.
The Greatest Figure
Among the rain
and lights
I saw the figure 5
in gold
on a red
to gong clangs
siren howls
and wheels rumbling
through the dark city.

One thing i see something in common for all these poems is that they all include water and describes things by it. Yes, i do believe they are poems because it uses imagery.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reflection on Teaching Experience.

When my turn to be teaching was a few days away, I guess I was feeling nervous myself because my group had hardly any communication on how and what would be our roles until the day itself. One of my biggest objectives was to be the kind of teacher who would get most of the attention of the students, so that was why I had a toothpick on my mouth to look like the cool teacher. Also I was trying to be a bit humorous on my presentation so it could keep the students awake and not bored because... everybody likes teachers with a sense of humor. So overall it went well according to my plans and one of the students liked my presentation the best (so far until the rest went by I guess.) I'm gonna say one thing though, and it's that my presentation was, in my opinion, been beaten by many others, but it wasn't bad either. The last groups were the best in my opinion and it was due to having fun activities and using good examples of their subject like Dr.Seuss's The Cat in the Hat.