Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Lowest Animal.

I remember back in my childhood days where I always played outside in the parks where there were trees and games to play, but today even kids at that age don't all do the same. Some kids today just stay home and play with their gameboys(or even psps?). What I'm trying to say is that as time moves on, our technology will improve, and the more it advances the more changes it brings to our way of life. I know we have to look into our futures to move on, but soon it will become something we never wished for. I don't want to lose the life I am living right now today. I know technology is great, but so is our world. Our trees, our animals, our wonders of nature have been given to us by God, and we should always keep it with us to show God that we appreciate him for giving us all life. Taking it all away would just turn us into something else, something God did not meant for us. Let's keep nature with us forever to the end of time, shall we?

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