Monday, October 31, 2011

Top Ten Horror Movies.

10.) Dawn of the Dead.

9.) The Mist.

8.) The Thing.

7.) 1408

6.) The Devil's Backbone.

5.) Evil Dead.
4.) The Ring.

3.) Halloween

2.) Ju-On

1.) The Sixth Sense.

In my opinion, what I think makes a great horror movie is a great storyline and plot, those are two very important keys to make the movie interesting. Of course, the movie should contain scary scenes with blood and paranormal things and all that, but its also about what's behind them, the origin of it. There should be suspense, darkness, and scary or disturbing images. It's hard to explain, but to think of it... oh dang. Horror movies shouldn't always have to be scary, there should be some valuable theme into it as well. That's why I have the Sixth Sense as my number one. It's not the scariest, but it really touched me.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Concept 24 Question #3

I'm pretty sure I've seen surprised by the outcome of something I thought I wouldn't more than once! One example I thought of was when I saw one of those annoying videos in youtube that pop out the exorcist girl's scary face with a loud scream! The first time I saw that it made me jump! I didn't see it coming! I expected something not exciting at all, but turned out the opposite! How I can use this to develop a "High Concept" script is by giving the reader something to think about, but then we launch them a final surprise! A final impression!

Lost Pilot Script.

How the writer reveals the character by dialogue and action for:

-Jack: He is a leader. He makes sure everyone is okay by helping them with wounds or to not do things that could risk their lives. He is a doctor with great knowledge of survival.

-Kate: She is a woman who is down to help others. She follows Jack's directions and keeps up with him.

-Hurley: He seems to have doubt on doing things. Doesn't sound really bright, but nice guy.

-Boone: He is a man who is trying to survive. He doesn't seem completely sure of what he does.

-Shannon: She is a woman who has a mean attitude and only awaits to be helped.

Jack and Hurley have a very different way of talking. Jack uses more educated and mature vocabulary than Hurley, who always says "Dude...". The relationship between Shannon and Boone doesn't seem to go well right now, she is lacking respect for him.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Concept 23 Question #3

The kind of story I want to write is about redemption on a young adult who by time is quitting life. The main character's objective... well he has no objective, he doesn't care anymore! He's just waiting to die, I guess that's the only possible objective. The degree that the quest will be successful will not be entirely up to him, but his guardian angel. Through time the angel will make the main character realize that life is the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Desperate Housewives Pilot.

1.) Who are the three main characters? How are they introduced in a unique way? The housewives, and here are three examples: Lynette, Gabrielle, and Bree. Lynette has her unique introduction by being the mother with the three fighting kids.

2.) What is the conflict? Mary Alice, for unknown reason, shot herself. The audience wants to know why.

3.) What is the writing like? Does each character talk differently? How does the writing use dialogue to advance the story? Yes, some characters sound different than others. The writing uses transitions between times to advance the story.

Concept 22 Question #3

The film that I want to write is plot-driven because Tim, the main character, has an external conflict about not wanting to live life anymore because he feels he has lost his purpose after losing his girlfriend. Sarah, the girl who Tim loved, was killed, and Tim felt like he died as well along with her. With losing the will to do something else for his life, he lost the battle. Even if he lost his own purpose, it isn't over and never will be because there is always a back-up plan; God's plan for you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pilot Reflection

What makes my character unique is... okay to be honest my character isn't really unique and I'm sorry there is hardly a person who can be referred as unique. Without having something that is one of a kind, it will pretty much be someone who can be predictable. Although, hopefully sooner or later as I write the scenes I can find out something unique about him. The problem of my character is that after he loses his girlfriend by someone's cold hands, he doesn't want to continue his life as he used to, full of commitment and with purpose. Without his girl, life no longer means anything to him, but then a miracle from above appears into his life. The disguised angel's mission is to bring back our main character back to his lively ways in order to save him from killing himself. If you don't go on and grow up, then you're dying. The main character will keep on questioning to the angel about why foul things in life non stop, but as time goes the angel will help him realize it's not what God does, it's what people do themselves. "People live misery because they don't go to Him"- The angel.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My So Called Life.

I don't really know if there is any idea from the show that I can use for my own show. My So Called Life, as far as I know, is pretty much about the life of a red headed girl in high school. According to my partner Angel, the exaggeration and sarcasm is something we can use from the show. What doesn't appeal from it to our show is that its mainly based on one person and ours will have more than one perspective and it will also be non linear. All I can say is that I'm excited for the high school TV show!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Concept 20 Question

In the film I plan to write, an aspect that it will have that would relate to the audience is to blend in to the school. There are many groups to choose from, but it isn't easy to conform to a group's style when you never lived it their way. That is why you must be yourself and that is how you find real friends that can have the same interests as yours and can always trust them from the start. Trying to be someone else could get you friends too, but things go downhill later when they really find out who you really are.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Gunderson's High School TV Show.

A cliche that I wouldn't want to see in Gunderson's television show is the jocks. I'm tired of seeing them in high school TV shows because they piss me off(the audience). My premise would be the vengeance and hatred towards everybody in school from the ones who are weak, or unpopular. The protagonist has a friend who is completely opposite from him that he has been friends with throughout elementary and middle school until just recently in High school Senior year. The protagonist is in danger of not graduating and he is constantly putting people in his school in danger. There are two main characters in our show. One is the kind-hearted and positive guy, and the other is the once good student who turned into a heartless loner.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Concept 19 Question #2

Joe wants to take Bonnie as his date to the upcoming dance. If I had to choose a character from this story it would be Joe, and the setting would be on a highway during the night. This would actually be a story after the dance when Joe didn't have any date and is thinking about committing suicide since he didn't get the girl of his dreams. As he prepares himself to jump down, he encounters a miracle that is rarest of all. He is saved by Him.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Concept 18 Question #1.

The picture above me tells me many things such as friendship, a man's best friend, and other few things. First thing that came to my mind seeing the picture though was the friendship between a man and his dog. With what the picture depicts, I would write a story about the life of a long and powerful friendship between a man and his dog. At first, the man loses his wife and she leaves him a puppy behind. He thought of it as a symbol for his wife to keep her alive in his heart. Then as time passes, he creates a powerful bond with the dog. Not only does he have something to keep the memory of his wife, but also an astounding friend to always stay by his side no matter what for life!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Concept 15 Question 2

Three stories that I could come up with that are based on the theme "United we stand, divided we fall" are:

1.) Rush Hour 3: This movie works for the theme because the movie's plot is about Jackie Chan having a fight with his brother whom turns out to be one of the story's antagonists, and as for Tucker he wants to help, but Jackie Chan pushes him away from his family issues. Separated, they miss each other and feel lonely. When they are together, they are like brothers... but from another mother.

2.) Stephen King's It: This movie applies even better because Pennywise hunts the kids one by one, but can he do it when they join together and become a little mighty army? Together they were able to help each other, stand up to their bullies, and defeat Pennywise.

3.)Battle LA: This movie also shows the theme through different pars of it. If the sarge would go on his won to destroy the alien's power ship, it would seem unlikely for him to do it alone, but with his squad following him, they made it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Concept 14 Story Beats.


1.) First scenes which shows the final moment of Henry Foster Kane as he takes his last breath to say... Rosebud.

2.) The catalyst(Kane) has been taken by Thatcher to live with him in a wealthy life ever since his childhood.

3.) Kane's first major fly in the ointment is making a choice with what to do with his life once he's an adult, and he chose to do journalism.

4.) Kane has been having early success in his newspaper career, and Thatcher was disappointed in him for throwing money away, so he wouldn't receive Kane with open arms if he chose to go back for aid. Kane was know on his own for the future.

5.) The second major fly in the ointment was when Kane got married again with a "singer" and then began in the theatre business making his wife standout throughout the world by her "amazing singing".

6.) Kane loses his second wife Susan and she leaves him. Plus, being unmasked about him lying in the newspapers caused his dignity deeply. He lost the love of everyone.

7.) With nobody with him in ruins, Kane was living miserably for his final days thinking about the only time he was actually happy, when he was a boy living with his parents. With nothing left, he died alone with his memory of Rosebud.