Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Concept 14 Story Beats.


1.) First scenes which shows the final moment of Henry Foster Kane as he takes his last breath to say... Rosebud.

2.) The catalyst(Kane) has been taken by Thatcher to live with him in a wealthy life ever since his childhood.

3.) Kane's first major fly in the ointment is making a choice with what to do with his life once he's an adult, and he chose to do journalism.

4.) Kane has been having early success in his newspaper career, and Thatcher was disappointed in him for throwing money away, so he wouldn't receive Kane with open arms if he chose to go back for aid. Kane was know on his own for the future.

5.) The second major fly in the ointment was when Kane got married again with a "singer" and then began in the theatre business making his wife standout throughout the world by her "amazing singing".

6.) Kane loses his second wife Susan and she leaves him. Plus, being unmasked about him lying in the newspapers caused his dignity deeply. He lost the love of everyone.

7.) With nobody with him in ruins, Kane was living miserably for his final days thinking about the only time he was actually happy, when he was a boy living with his parents. With nothing left, he died alone with his memory of Rosebud.

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