Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Concept 31 Questions.

1.) The three most recent movies I've seen are Gnomeo & Juliet, The Lion King, and Jurassic Park.

-The inciting incidents:

Gnomeo and Juliet: When the pink flamingo told Gnomeo and Juliet about his sad love story after they had a fight about their sides of the families(Blues and Reds). They then chose to stand up to the rivalry and flee together for love. This took place around the middle of the film.

The Lion King: When Mufasa died(Probably the saddest movie scene I've ever seen!) and Simba was convinced by his uncle Scar that he should run away for being responsible for his death. This led to the conflict that Scar took over the animal kingdom and turned it into a wasteland. Later, when Simba discovered the whole truth, he stood up to the "king" and uncle for the crown(and because Scar was an evil jerk). This took place before the middle of the film.

Jurassic Park: ... I don't know.

2.) How the intervention of standing up to the jerks bullying the kid in the wheelchair would:

-Change my Life: Made me feel like a hero and become more brave to do things for right causes.

-Change the life of the wheelchair student: He would know that there is always a hero out there. Would probably get along better with the people that look "untrustworthy".

-Peers: To not watch and help instead.

-Bad bunch: To think about acting. They might wanna reconsider robbing the teacher.

3.) The inciting incident in my film is when Sarah, the main character's girlfriend, is murdered. After the day of the tragedy, he seemed to have lost his soul(not literally) and not care anymore. Tim, the main character, dies inside.

Concept 30 Questions.

1.) The "A" objectives:

-Kelly: Hang out with the "in" crowd during the summer.

-Mom: Make the cousin feel like he's home.

-Geeky cousin: Have a good summer!

The "B" objectives:

-Kelly: Make sure she satisfies mother about cousin.

-Mom: Make Kelly conform with him.

-Geeky cousin: Hang with Kelly and have fun.

2.) Happy endings make people feel good, right? Well, the downside is that it's kind of a cliche at times depending on how things go. So, this time I would make the outcome a no win/no win! Kelly gets discovered by her mother that she always evades her cousin when she takes him out and for the last time she did that her cousin got kidnapped, and... died. Kelly's life is over(not dead).

3.) In my film, the "A" objective is for John, the angel, accomplish his mission to save Tim, a human being, from giving up life. The "B" objective is for the angel to not only help Tim get back up, but also help his surroundings if they are in need.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Concept 29 Question 2.

PARENTS give phone call to daughter.


JANE freaks out with phone call and dashes to clean up the house.

Parents driving home happy.

Jane quickly picks up bottles from floor.

Parents driving home happy.

Jane puts every piece of furniture back into space.

Parents driving home happy, DAD looks at his watch.

Jane takes out bags of trash outside.

Parents driving home happy, MOM yawns.

Jane cleans every wall from food smudges.

Parents park outside their house.

Jane throws a bag into the kitchen trash.

Parents open door, and Jane is there to welcome them.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Concept 28 Question 3.











Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Concept 27 Questions.

1.) Out of the four locations given for Thatcher asking his question to Linda, I believe the one that will work best is over lunch at her friend's favorite cafe because cafes are where friends (especially teens) hang out and talk about their stuff. Plus, it would work the best out of the rest because in a cafe it seems to put both good and calm mood. Unlike the rest, they give less of a great mood, especially the cemetery. The scene, in my head, plays out Linda thinking about it before giving her answer. Then, after a short moment of thought, she gives a yes, but not with full meaning. This shows that she ins't sure that she has done the same thing, but felt pressured into it.

2.) I am sitting in my chair inside a classroom at this very moment. For a middle sized classroom with nearly all the chairs filled and a bit of talking in the room, I would make a scene that will break the silence. It would be about a guy who has a plague in him that is making a change in his personality, and two of his friends keep wondering what his deal is. At last, in the classroom the guy snaps and attacks the person closest to him, which is his friend. Being a student and all, the classroom must do everything to put him down(not kill) from his deadly rampage before he hurts, or kills someone.

3.) Well, to begin with my film contains many different locations, but if it comes to choosing one scene to film, I would go with the closing. The scene would take place in a morgue at night, when everything is quiet and... dead-looking. Anyway, there will only be one character speaking in the scene, and that is the second main character, John, a little boy. In this scene, you can see that he has a very bright personality with no drip of evil at all because he is crying to see that the guy he was supposed to save is dead, and feels complete despair. Even at one day of knowing him, he is heartbroken.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Groundhog Day Reflection Groundhog Day.

The non-linear structure was used in the film Groundhog Day as a way that the same day would repeat throughout the movie. Without it there would be no movie at all! It's what made the movie amazing! The character in the movie knows about the non-linear life(day) he's living through, unlike the other movies they don't because they are either memories or intended only for the audience to now. I love this movie! It might not take place in Christmas, but I'm glad I watched it during mid-November, the time of the year when I start looking forward to Christmas!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Period 4 Pilot#4 Review.

I'm sorry to say this, but I didn't get into the story. By that I mean I didn't like it. Reasons are because the story seems slow and nothing serious seems to happen. Well, I might be wrong on that, something bad does happen, but they don't make it look serious from my point of view. Also, I think the characters sound funny, but I find it weird that they don't take something bad the main character did seriously. They all seems to be jerks. So, this show will not only make me feel bored or upset for the lack of story, but for the mean characters with no maturity as well. Again, I'm sorry for my review of bad taste, but I find it better to be honest than lie to make something look great when it isn't. If they could revise it with more thought and patience, it would have a huge impression. I'm sorry!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Period 6 Pilot #2 Review.

So far, out of all the pilot episodes I've read, I like this one the best(Besides my own). Reason is because this pilot episode begins the TV show with a huge mystery left as a good cliffhanger at the end of the episode. I really like the story going on in the pilot, it really got my interest at the very first scene and kept my eyes reading throughout the whole thing without a problem. Plus, the characters do seem to have uniqueness based on their way of themselves. An average amount of characters are shown, and each of them really differ from each other! I'm impressed! However, they got to make sure to fix some of the format, it contains a few slight errors and the spelling ir grammar as well. Overall, it's good stuff.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Period 6 Pilot #1 Review.

So basically, this pilot episode seems to be full of the same problems throughout. There are so many characters, some well-introduced, with a bit of uniqueness. I don't really know who the main character is since they all pretty much show up the same amount of time in the episode. Why is everybody cheating on everybody? It's pretty crazy for a pilot episode. By the way, the format needs work to be improved, some parts of the script look different than others. Plus, they need more details in the passage, I can hardly picture what I would see so I make my own imaginative adjustments. An interesting point where it really needs some improvement are the flashbacks, they really lack detail. That is, unless, the scene is very short. Overall, needs fixing on the format and must calm down the intensity for the story. Let the heat turn up later in the first season.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Concept 25 Question #3

If I were going to use any event in my life as the plot of a film, my log line would be:
When a high school student struggles to keep his friends, he makes a life-changing decision that will completely turn him over a new leaf.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pilot Critique #1.

Format: 2

Unique/Interesting Characters: 2

Entertaining Story/Conflict: 1

Suggestions I have for the improvement for this pilot episode is that they should let the story take its time to show the viewers with good details and ideas on who and what is going on in the story. The story seems to be rushed, so I recommend they slow it down in order to make it look like a more serious problem and not cheesy. The conflict, they can come up with something that can make some sense and not exaggerate.