Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Charles Foster Kane

So far from what I've seen on CFK, I saw a montage of the most important times of Kane's life. He was one of those important people who was known to the whole world, as much a Teddy Roosevelt or Adolf Hitler, heck he was with them on the footage. He has been part of historic times in U.S. history such as the Great Depression. Unfortunately, he died. His last word he spoke was... Rosebud.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Concept 13 Brainstormers Question 1

There was this time in my life when I was 9 years old when I had the opportunity to join a kids soccer team in a kids league. Back at the day when I had to make a choice with joining the soccer team involved, I chose to get Dragon Ball Z cards instead. I wasn't much of a sports fan when I was little, and I was obsessed with DBZ, which is why I made a choice I regret today. If I had the opportunity to go back and change history, I would. If it comes to making a choice that would put little effect on my future, I'd do it it. As for life-changing decisions, I would consider it first before making my decision. I don't think that path I'd choose to take would intersect with my current reality because I'm sure playing for the team won't raise my love for the game a lot. Just like football, I was in the team, but I still like football the same way.

Freaks & Geeks Reflection.

Out of the four episodes I've seen so far for Freaks & Geeks, my favorite was "Kim Kelly is my Friend" because I thought it had the most serious plot and the happiest ending. It was really funny too because of Nick, and I really liked how Kim has been turning one of the good characters throughout the episode because I really disliked her for being a huge b*tch. Seeing her protect Sam was just amazing! Something I never saw coming!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dialogue Practice from Freaks & Geeks.

After reading the screenplay for a scene from Freaks and Geeks, I noticed that the way the writer makes each character sound unique is by their use of words. Some people have different styles of speaking with vocabulary and tone. For example, Neal's dialogue consists words of higher vocabulary level, which shows that he is intelligent and perhaps mature. As for Karen, her use of words like ass, midget, or peewie shows that she is a disrespectful, mean, or rude character.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Scene form Freaks & Geeks script.

INT. Sam’s room - night

As Sam lays on his bed staring at the ceiling, he hears a knock on the door.


Who is it?


It’s me. Can we talk?


Without a reply from Sam, Lindsay opens the door to walk in and then closes it. Sam sits up.


(Mad) What do you want?

LINDSAY I just want to let you know that I couldn’t stand seeing you get hurt, so that’s why I had to butt in.

SAM I don’t want your help, I could’ve handled him myself.


LINDSAY ...You’re my little brother Sam, so I’m supposed to look after you, right?

SAM We’re in high school now! Just stay out of my business alright?

Lindsay attempts to say something, but the words don’t come out. She takes a few seconds to regain her composure.

LINDSAY Okay then... good night.

Lindsay steps out of the room and closes the door as she leaves. Sam lays down on his bed and turns off the lights. FADE OUT.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Concept 11 Brainstormers.

So today I went to Eastridge Mall, hoping to witness a scene that would could be emotional, aesthetic, or intellectual. I chose to be in a mall because a lot of people go there shopping, especially during weekends. I was able to witness a barely emotional scene. While I sat and ate frozen yogurt, I saw three teenagers give flowers and balloons to a guy for his birthday. No offense, but I had the feeling he was gay since he was also wearing a pink shirt and seemed very cheerful about it. I would call it an emotional moment because he had friends who showed him the love of their friendship by giving him birthday gifts. By watching that scene, I would develop it into a short film by using flashback scenes of friendship moments between the teenagers and the birthday boy. That way it will show how the three teens are proud to have they b-boy as their friend. The message I'd like to convey through this is that the earth contains angels, and they are your true friends.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Freaks & Geeks questions.

1.) Lindsay is a pretty girl who struggles to find what's best for her in school and by that I mean who to be with. She tries to fit in with the freaks but they can be a bad influence at times and she doesn't feel very comfortable with them.

2.) The major plots of the halloween episode were that Lindsay had to give up giving candy to the kids and be with her friends. As for Sam, he chose to go trick or treating with his friends but since they're too old for that, they are seen negatively out in public.

3.)It ends up with Lindsay making a terrible decision since she egged Sam and she regrets it. In order to make things better, she chose to finally help her mother give out candy.

Concept 10 Brainstormers.

1.)I'd like to my subject to be about christianity because I had experienced change throughout with it and I've seen others go through the same thing as well, heck even better! This religion saved me from the darkness that I used to be in and brought me into a better world were no matter how hard the situation might look, I always got hope! That was what my school club was called last year which was Elpida(greek word that means hope). I think my road of trials to accomplish change is what will help me write a short film about how amazing God is.

2.)When it comes to writing about something I'm totally not familiar with, it would be about flying a plane. When it comes to learning about something new, I will always go with the internet!

3.)Writing about a subject I know nothing about... that would be hummingbirds. I heard the word, but I don't know anything else of the bird(not even its appearance!). First off, I'll get the basic information through interviewing people about it and try to get as much as they know. After that I'll just go to the internet and research for what I don't know. Once I'm done with the research, I'll then plan on how to give the lecture. I would wanna make it interesting and NOT lecture it as if I don't care. I gotta both do the work right and have fun doing it!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Concept 9 Question 1.

My "new" story will have Harry Potter as the leading character. The conflict will be the struggle for taking the Na'vi people safely to their new land. And the setting will be in the Titanic boat. I had to choose from three high-scoring a main character, conflict, and setting. This was my best mix of the elements from the three movies. I chose to have Harry Potter as my main character because it was either him or Jake Sully to be the story's hero. With Harry Potter chosen, that left me with two conflicts. Survive a sinking boat or help the Na'vi race retrieve their home from intruders. I thought something adventurous would better fit Harry Potter more so I went with Avatar's conflict. Finally, the remaining setting is the Titanic boat, which I liked best of all three movies. It's kind of cool seeing Harry Potter protect the Na'vi people from hazards along the way such as big rocks and the military unit sent to drive the Na'vi people away from their destination. I don't think I've ever seen an epic movie that contains both guns and magic at the same time. This idea should appeal to everyone!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Concept 8 Brainstormers.

1.) So, Reese Witherspoon and Orlando Bloom want me to write a 10 minute short for them. Plus, it has to take place before a football game and there is no one else in the cast. So, here's my short: It was after school, and the football players already began to get pumped up for the football game. A linebacker, named Ty, always bullied a little geek named Donald to do his stuff for him, such as homework. This time, Ty forgot his cleats at home(who does that?), so he threats Donald to bike his way to the house to pick up the cleats, or he will get the beating of a life time. With only a few hours to retrieve the cleats and strangers getting in the way, Donald must hurry because if he doesn't make it in time, he's done for.

3.) Yeah, I'm sure I can write a one-person short because I like it when it comes to writing stories. First off, my character will be a nanny, the setting will be a prison cell, and the prop will be a notebook. The plot of my 5 minute story will be a nanny who was sent to jail for speeding and has to live the next year with her inmates. She is disgusted at how the women there terribly behave, so she plans to have her toughest task yet... show all of them some manners. You might have seen nannies with kids, but with prisoners? As a matter of fact have you? I never had seen anything like it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teenage TV Shows

1.) The teenage TV show I hear about the most these days is Glee. I don't watch it myself but as far as I know it is a musical show and seems to be very popular. If I ever find this on TV while I'm looking for something new to watch, I'd give it a try.

2.) I just recently found out about Freaks and Geeks, and it is a TV show about high school students and show how each kind of student behaves in school campus (nerds, bullies, populars, etc.).

3.) Last but not least is Friday Night Lights, which is about a high school football team and how they live their days as part of the team.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Concept 7 Question #2.

In the film I'd like to write, there will be I believe a few hours of "real time" passed from the start to finish. The percentage of elapsed "real time" is I'd say less than 20%, I can't be exact.

Concept 7

Identify a movie in which the story unfolds in the following timeframes:

1.) A single day; Training Day.

2.) A week; The Ring.

3.) Several Months; The Matrix.

4.)Ten or more years; Forrest Gump( My favorite movie by the way).

Techniques that the films above used to convey the passage of time were through title cards and character aging. I also believe dialogue too.

Short Scrip Reflection.

The best scene of my script, in my opinion is when Roddy(main character) tries to get his friend Phango to follow him for a rescue mission. I chose this scene as the best of the script because it seems the most funny part of the script(choosing banana split over someone's life? Lot Of Laugh). The worst part of the script Id say would be when Roddy and Phango run into the boy who saved the girl. This was the worst scene because before that it seemed like Roddy and Phango were beginning their road to an adventure, but then I chose to write a twist which pretty much ended the true adventure, which I wasn't very proud of. I could have improved this if I chose to give our heroes an easier and quicker adventure with an easy solution to the plot, but I got lazy and chose to end it quick with a huge plot.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Concept 6 Brainstormers.

1.) Geri's Game: -Age is 60s.
-Gender is male.
-Number of characters is 1.
-Number of locations is 1.
-The problem is that Geri is losing to himself in a chess game and the solution is that he swap sides and took an easy victory over himself.
-3 minutes
-What I liked was the game between the two same people... it was intense. What I disliked was that the old man cheated to win.

Lifted: -Ages are 20s, genders are males, number of characters are 3, number of locations are 2, the problem was that the rookie alien couldn't figure out how to capture a human with the ship's complicated controls and the solution was... well I don't think there was one.

2.)There could be more added to it, but I doubt it will be an amount of 2 hours.

3.)My favorite movie is Forrest Gump, and I do believe there is a scene from the movie that could stand on its own, like when Forrest attempts to run away from bullies on bikes, but he is being slowed down by his legs which have metal attached to them. Then, Forrest shakes them off and finally got the ability to run like Forrest Gump!