Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Concept 10 Brainstormers.

1.)I'd like to my subject to be about christianity because I had experienced change throughout with it and I've seen others go through the same thing as well, heck even better! This religion saved me from the darkness that I used to be in and brought me into a better world were no matter how hard the situation might look, I always got hope! That was what my school club was called last year which was Elpida(greek word that means hope). I think my road of trials to accomplish change is what will help me write a short film about how amazing God is.

2.)When it comes to writing about something I'm totally not familiar with, it would be about flying a plane. When it comes to learning about something new, I will always go with the internet!

3.)Writing about a subject I know nothing about... that would be hummingbirds. I heard the word, but I don't know anything else of the bird(not even its appearance!). First off, I'll get the basic information through interviewing people about it and try to get as much as they know. After that I'll just go to the internet and research for what I don't know. Once I'm done with the research, I'll then plan on how to give the lecture. I would wanna make it interesting and NOT lecture it as if I don't care. I gotta both do the work right and have fun doing it!

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